Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is SPARTA!

Let's start out with a bit of a song, shall we?

"He's making a list, checking it twice..
Gonna find out who's naughty or nice...
Santa Claus is coming to town!"

If this were true, nearly all of the nation would be screwed out of every present they ever wanted.  What is it about Christmas that makes people lose their heads?  The closer it gets to Christmas the more you can expect people to act like absolute idiots that have no common sense at all!  You want a new pair of shoes?  TOO BAD!  You can't have them because you took out an eight year old with your shopping cart! HA!

I'm late doing my Christmas shopping.  Like always.  I've come to expect the normal hustle and bustle amongst shopping centers this time of year.  It's a fact of life that I've learned to deal with since I'm always late.  Naturally, a normal person would expect that since they waited until the last minute to buy gifts for the umpteen-gillion people on their gift lists that the crowds and lines were going to be horrendous and that many of the items they wanted were going to be simply gone.  However, since Christmas is literally right around the corner, people act as if they have gone completely nuts and normal is no longer an option.

For example, I was nearly run over more times than I could count today.  You name it and I was probably hit with it.  Strollers? Yep!  Shopping carts? Absolutely!  People? Of course.  Automobiles? You betcha!  Those electric scooters that mostly fat people take advantage of so that the people that really need them can't use them? Check!  I anticipated the hustle and still managed to go in feeling festive and quite cheerful.  I came out thinking that if it weren't for the fact that my son would really miss his beloved Halo Lego set that I would happily stick it right up someones butt with a beaming smile on my face.

Seriously people... get a grip.  It's CHRISTMAS!!!  We all have places to be, things to do, food to cook and gifts to buy.  I can assure you that your gifts are no more important than anyone elses... especially mine.  Oh, and that parking spot what was about half a mile from the door anyway??  You can have it... I'd rather spend my money for gifts for my loved ones than on repairing my bumper because the thought of walking an extra two parking spots difference made me want to cut myself. 

Practice a little patience, folks.  It's Christmastime.  And to those of you that still insist on shoving me around so that you can get the last Olivia house instead of me.... I hope Santa brings you coal!

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